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based in Natal, Brazil.
Technology is changing the world and I am writing this change. I'm open for frontend and full stack opportunities.

About me


I've worked with web, mobile, and game development in areas such as education, health, investments, and compliance. I also worked as a teaching assistant and as a support engineer, which made me develop good communication skills.

Now, I'm specializing in frontend development using React, but I'm not attached to the tools, I just want to create softwares that make me feel relevant.

If you want to check my full resume, click the paper sheet icon above.


Homepage of a fashion e-commerce

CRWN Clothing

A fashion e-commerce application developed with React. User authentication was implemented with Firebase. The checkout has integration with Stripe to simulate payment. State is handled using Redux and persists if you refresh the page.

Blog with some posts and a search bar

GitHub Blog

A blog that turns the issues from its repository into posts, connecting to GitHub API with Axios. Markdown elements inside the post are interpreted. It was developed with React and TypeScript.

Documentation page of a button component

Ignite UI

A design system made with Storybook and implemented with React and TypeScript. I used Stitches for CSS-in-JS and some components were built over Radix UI components. Turborepo was used to manage the monorepo more efficiently.

Contact me

I can help turning your company's objectives into achievements.

Don't be shy to send a message! ;D